2008年8月22日 星期五

颱風鸚鵡 is coming to town!!

鸚鵡啊! 鸚鵡! why you torture my heart like this....... do you know my mind is dancing with your steps! could you please go faster. every time i check the news my heart pounding so fast!!
Hope we don't have to work tomorrow!!!

6 則留言:

Rikey Cheng 提到...

你沒救了!! 把小時候等颱風的惡習帶去香港~~XD

Miss O 提到...

it's ageless hope!!
i LOVE typhoon holiday!!

Yen 提到...




Miss O 提到...

of course!! you are the boss now!
pay your employee for nothing. i won' be happy either!!

No name 提到...

Haha, 终于可以留言了。我今天也很闲哦,因为香港公司也放假了,所以我到现在都很闲。我把你的blog给Shelly了,叫他顺便上来给你的留言板也灌灌水, 留留言。好好放假吧!!!美丽的女人!!

cching 提到...
