今天跟人談及關於男人的分類, 又有感而發, 有股衝動想與人分享O的男人四型:
1. 分享包容型(好的極品) : 喜歡與人分享, 不論是自己的生活或是自己的感受, 善於聆聽, 又能幫你解憂, 更包容彼此的差異. 不過這種男人通常會同你成為姊妹. 不然, 犯賤的我們又會覺得此類人不夠man. 婆婆媽媽.(sister!! if you ever find this kind of straight guy, you must grab him and cherish him like a fine jewel. having a man like this, it's harder than won the lottery!!)
2. 分享自私型: 也是喜歡與人分享, 心中有宏大的理想, 生活充滿了遠景, 渴望與你分享每一刻的成就, 分擔每一個失落. 但通常此種人是不會聆聽的. 你的喜怒哀樂對他而言, 只是你庸人自擾. 你要有很大的愛, 很無私, 將自己縮到最小, 才能維持下去.
(sister, mark my words, this kind of people, they only love himself. you are dispensable. you have to love yourself more!!)
3. 自閉包容型: 不懂得表達自己的感受, 一碰到關於"心"的事, 就好像得了失語症一般. 完全不知要說些甚麼. 很好的聆聽者. 也許不了解複雜的你, 不過, 當你難過時, 他的肉體會陪著你(maybe he still doesn't understand you fully, but at least his shoulder will be available when you need it), 你高興時, 也會傻傻的笑著. 跟他在一起, 你會覺得很平安.
(sister, never mind he can't understand you!!! remember you always have your girl friends to talk to~~)
4. 自閉自私型(worst of the worst): 不會表達自己, 你們的對話只限於壹週刊的八卦, 或評論茶餐廳的奶茶. 吵架時, 你永遠覺得自己是潑婦, 歇斯底里般的發瘋. 對方一句話也不說. 你永遠只能單向的付出, 也不知道你給的是不是他要的. 更不要說他能不能給你你要的, 因為他的世界只有他自己而已.
(sister, you will never understand what he's thinking, cuz he doesn't know himself either. so stop thinking your head off try to figure out what's in his mind.... then both of you will be happier)
我想這是我的壞習慣--將人分類. 人哪有那麼簡單?? 而我這溫室的小花,識人有數, 又有甚麼資格去立標準? 寫這篇文章, 只是齋呃!! in the short, bull shit! 占版面, 證明我的存在而已. hahaha, just want to give you a piece of me.........
2 則留言:
Feel good......
做咩hubert 䏲左都吾留個言呀?