一早就殺入屯門(屯門真的頗遠的,搭車都要1個鐘),約了Ted弟先優閒的嘆早餐,之後便到黃金海岸曬太陽!! 中秋節後的假日真是不錯,大家應該昨天玩通宵,今天起不了床,所以人不多,我們隔壁只有一個曬得很黑的老gay,另一邊就是一直打盹的救生員。
很了解為什麼熱帶居民會比較與世無爭,太陽真會使人不想用腦,不對,應是用不了腦!! 與Ted斷斷續續的聊天,想不到了就腦暫停一下,太熱了就到水中泡一下,真的很舒服~~ 這才叫安息日嘛! (雖然是星期一)
照舊吃最愛的翠華茶餐廳,不過破例的做了我人生第一次的pedicure!! 還是gel nails!!(多謝PP的好介紹!)
其實,有這樣的一天真是一個恩賜,我可以和兩個我最好的朋友度過這美好輕鬆的一天,過得無聊卻又充實! (不過,Ted Ted似乎只覺得很無聊,哈哈!! 學習一下啦,細佬! "hei"也是一種藝術啊!! )想加上Lou Reed 的Perfect Day 給大家欣賞,不過網路真的太繁忙了,所以給link自己click in 吧!!
6 則留言:
我跟terence星期天也在黃金海岸呀!!真係幾遠, 但不多人:)
Yo, Foxy,
next time we should go together lah~~~ then will make a even-better-than-a-perfect-day!!
dear Rikey,
you are the only people i know in this world who buy 澳幣lah~~ but my Fund are going down too~~ i think we just don't have the brain in investment~~~
It's surely a perfect day and pefect you! Just like the YOU that are lazy but so true. Just like the YOU that I know and understand. At your own pace, you will find the part of you will long lasting. But before that, bless everyday is the perfect day for you.
忘了跟你說,這個週末台灣遇上了颱風,被困在家中,連續看了兩次電視上播的The Lake House,不知道為什麼,明明劇情已了然於胸,卻忍不住看下去...主題曲也是首老歌吧,歌詞不是全然聽懂滴啦,但滿喜歡這個旋律...為什麼寫這些呢?...大概是因為心中把pefect day的風景,跟這部電影連結在一起囉
i'm very sure
this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before
now i see
this is the way it's supposed to be
i met you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
so come to me
now we can be what we wanna be
i love you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
i'm very sure
this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before (this never happened before)
this never happened before (this never happened)
this never happened before (this never happened before)
p.s.英文歌詞是The Lake House的主題曲, 有空去聽一下, ciao!