2008年12月10日 星期三

in the manner of speaking "我"又回來了

"我"一直在我的耳邊說著其他人的壞話: 那傢伙又在扮懂,他真是假惺惺! 你又在玩什麼花樣,別以為你永遠是對的;告訴我不能讓別人看穿我的醜陋,自私的心,執著的心;告訴我自己是天下最自卑最可憐的;卻又自大到到處論斷別人。
"我"退下去!! 走開!! olive 回來~~ "愛"回來~~
x x x
Mr. C 說到這首歌,我上youtube 看到這個版本,非常喜歡,所以給大家欣賞一下:
Amanda Palmer covering In a Manner of Speaking at Johnson State College 03-01-06

In a Manner of speaking I just want to say / That I could never forget the way /You told me everything / By saying nothing / In a manner of speaking I don't understand / How love in silence becomes reprimand / But the way that i feel about you Is beyond words

Oh give me the words / Give me the words / But tell me nothing / Ohohohoh give me the words / Give me the words That tell me everything

In a manner of speaking Semantics won't do / In this life that we live we only make do / And the way that we feel Might have to be sacrified / So in a manner of speaking / I just want to say That just like you I should find a way / To tell you everything By saying nothing.

Oh give me the words / Give me the words / But tell me nothing / Ohohohoh give me the words Give me the words / That tell me everything / Oh give me the words Give me the words But tell me nothing / Ohohohoh give me the words Give me the words / That tell me everything

之後又另一個版本,另一種感動: [In a Manner Of Speaking] Acoustic Cover by My Blue Clouds

2 則留言:

foxymcdee 提到...

我一直聽的都是Nouvelle Vague的.超喜愛他們.

Miss O 提到...

me too, me too!!
i went to their concert last year, it was fabulous!!